Welcome to Gold Coast K-9 Inc.

I’d like to open this blog with a little backstory to who I am.  My name is Nicholas Messina.  For the past 10 years I have been a professional Dancer/Teacher/Choreographer.  Through teaching dance I have learned an awful lot about myself and a great deal about relationships.  I am now arriving to a place in my personal life where I have tried and experienced a few different disciplines.  I have done many different things for work through out the years but that is not what I am referring to when it comes to discipline.

Discipline dis·ci·pline

2.  A branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education.

I’m referring to the second definition of this word.  I believe it takes experiencing multiple disciplines to see the interplay that exists in all of them.  The more  we begin to understand the commonalities through multiple disciplines the greater we become.  Like the momentum of a train building speed down the tracks.  Life beginning to fly by, while we grow into the greatest  versions of ourselves each and every day.

Over the last several years I have decided to focus my energy on a new discipline.  It is the Art of Dog Training.  My experiences as a dancer gave me incredible tools to apply to this craft.  Movement which is incredibly stimulating to our dogs through “Prey Drive”.  An awareness of lines and geometry that is incredibly valuable for understanding how to manipulate movement and space between oneself and another being . (Be them human or dog).  It is in that space between us that I find the most magic happens.  In dog training, I have come to know this as “Spacial Pressure.”  It’s highly valuable, fascinating and effective.


All the best,

Nick Messina,





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